notes from the journey

in pursuit of a well-lived life.

At some point recently I read an edition of Frank Bruni’s newsletter over at The New York Times and discovered his delightful little section called “For the Love of Sentences,” where he features the best sentences of the week as submitted by him and his readers.

A little more recently, I came across this sentence, also from the Times, that I thought was eminently qualified:

So Kevin kissed me on Monday and found out he had colon cancer on Friday, and we never talked about the kiss.

I also thought this was lovely:

There was a moment early on in our relationship when Kevin visited me in New York. He woke up one morning with the light from my bedroom window shining in his eyes, making them crinkle, and reached out his shaky hands to grab my face. He looked like this little old man, and in that moment, I could see our whole story play out.